Silhouette is the story of Jack and Amanda Harms who, after the passing of their young daughter, set out into seclusion to begin their lives anew. Quickly upon their arrival, thi Silhouette is the story of Jack and Amanda Harms who, after the passing of their young daughter, set out into seclusion to begin their lives anew. Quickly upon their arrival, things go awry when the sins of their past come back to haunt them.详情
迈克尔·比恩,泰丝·哈乌布里奇,亚伦·佩德森,安琪·米利肯,唐·布里奇斯,Molly Belle Wright,Nancy Rizk,Mungo McKay,Mara Jean Quinn,Tom Block,Aaron Davison,Liam Greinke,Ross Buchanan,Barry Mitchell,Samuel Seau,Garvin Boll Schieble,Bridget Haylock,Martin Blum,Russ Gallagher,Brett Whittingham
卡罗琳·威廉姆斯,Nicholas Vince,劳伦-玛丽·泰勒