Kenan & Kel is an American television sitcom that aired on Nickelodeon from 1996 to 2000. The show starred comedy duo Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell. Sixty-one episodes and Kenan & Kel is an American television sitcom that aired on Nickelodeon from 1996 to 2000. The show starred comedy duo Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell. Sixty-one episodes and a TV Movie were produced over four seasons. The first two seasons were filmed at Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida and the following seasons were filmed at the Nick On Sunset theater in Hollywood. All episodes are now reruns currently seen on The N and Nickelodeon UK, though the show is presently off The N's schedule.详情
卡蒂娅·里曼,安娜·玛丽亚·穆埃,Hans Jochen Vogel,路德维格.特内普特,Vanessa Loibl ,大卫·舒特,达米安·哈顿,Rocio Luz,奥米德·墨玛,Merlin Sandmeyer,Hanna Plaß,艾拉·李,Patrick Joswig,Valerio Morigi